ANLiegen Natur
Journal for nature conservation and applied landscape ecology

Contend of the issue 35/1 - March 2013
ISSN 978-3-944219-02-8 (Print-Version)
All articles of this issue listed below can be downloaded as free pdf-files.
Table of contents with summary and full text articles
Table of contents
ANLiegen Natur 35/1 (2013): Pages 0 till 4 download full text (german only,
0,6 MB).
News of the Internet
ANLiegen Natur 35/1 (2013): Pages 5 till 8 download full text (german only,
1,6 MB).
Notes from nature and environment
ANLiegen Natur 35/1 (2013): Pages 9 till 11 download full text (german only,
0,3 MB).
Marco Müller, Josef Faas and Jörg Pfadenhauer
Influence of the tree canopy cover on the ground vegetation of wooded mountain pastures in the Bavarian Alps.
This paper contributes to the discussion of the separation of forest and pasture land in the Bavarian Alps from a vegetation ecological point of view. On two spatial scales (1 m2 and 225 m2 plots) the influence of several shade relevant variables on the herb layer of wooded mountain pastures was analysed using a transect method. The transects were established in areas of submontane Erico-Pinetum sylvestris forests and montane to high montane mountain mixed forests. The underlying hypothesis was that with increasing tree canopy cover the plant species composition gradually changes to a forest community. The results indicate a maximum of species and protected species richness at a tree canopy cover of about 20%. This fact shows the high value of open wood pastures for protected species. The partial dominance of typical open-land species in densely wooded areas (60%) can be explained by the characteristic multi-layered and rather open forest stands caused by grazing.

Willy A. Zahlheimer
Creation of valuable grassland habitats using natural seed mixtures.
Only in the direct neighbourhood of valuable meadows spontaneous succession leads to satisfying results.In all remaining cases a big amount of species can be transferred to new places with decreasing efficiency by natural seed mixtures harvested by rakes, by newly mown seed-rich material, by seedconcentrates produced by threshing or by hay. Especially on surfaces with removed topsoil even secondary dry grasslands of high quality may be achieved within a few years when the project is well-planned.Top results are possible by adding suitable endangered species. Thus the area needed for compensation measures may be considerably reduced.

Andreas Zahn and Bettina Burkart-Aicher
Grazing for nature conservation and landscape protection – survey results for Bavaria
A survey conducted by the Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (ANL) documents the situation of nature conservation orientated grazing in Bavaria for the first time. Information about approximately 150 areas/projects was gathered and merged into a database. Grazing has developed to an essential management tool for the conservation of threatened species and habitats. The number of areas where grazing is conducted as a tool for nature conservation is increasing constantly. Most projects were assessed as positive and shall be continued on a long term basis. Grazing as nature conservation tool is usually very popular in the public. However, it turns out that not all aims can be accomplished in all areas. For example in some projects the grazer species are not perfectly suitable to achieve the intended management aims. Often, there is a lack of data about flora and fauna which makes it difficult to evaluate the success of the grazing project. A main problem of many projects is the funding because it is often not sufficient to satisfy the high expenditure of human labour.

Andreas Zehm and German Weber
Implementation of a Bavarian botanical conservation project – concepts and experiences.
Presented here is a model of a Bavarian botanical conservation project based on a combination of modules. These modules were developed and successfully tested during a botanical conservation programme at the Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU). This paper shows approaches how a conservation project can be put in practice for a species-rich group of organisms such as the Bavarian flora. Most crucial for such a conservation programme is to answer questions like: Which activities are most necessary and how to coordinate them? How to maintain the most important plant species in the entire state? How to solve common communication problems between central coordinating institutions and local supporters. The different modules developed within the programme can be divided into three main groups: Group one (“Priority Species"), includes setting of scientific priorities and documentation of their localities. In addition it supports basic scientific research, develops and implements individual conservation strategies, starts ex-situ-projects and coordinates the overall communication. Group two (“General Conservation“) presents strategies against both invasive species and the bastardisation of local flora. Furthermore, it underlines the importance of crop wild relatives. The last group consists of “Important Supporting Modules" being public relations and digital data handling.

Werner Riess
Education for sustainable development (ESD) and enhancing system thinking.
At first a brief overview of the history of environmental education and its evolution to education for sustainable development (ESD) is provided. Then the primary reasons are given why „sustainable development“, and thus ESD, was developed and formulated as a normative guiding principle. It is shown that especially those environmental developments which scientists perceived and considered as threatening started the discussions that led to the necessity of sustainable development. Human actions are the main cause of the problematic trends. Mankind currently interferes in an unprecedented quality with highly complex natural systems and produces effects which threaten the lives of other living beings as well as the lives of present and future generations. Sustainable development should reverse this trend. However, this is only possible when the causative (human and social) systems and affected systems are understood together with their interactions. Therefore, the ability of system thinking is required. In education, for example in the classroom, the question arises how this ability can be enhanced effectively.

Wilhelm Graiss, Petra Haslgrübler and Bernhard Krautzer
Species-rich, semi-natural grassland as a source of biodiversity improvement (SALVERE project).
The Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio de Janeiro, 1992) aims at promoting biodiversity conservation and stopping the loss of biodiversity in Europe. In order to achieve these aims seed and plant material of regional propagation and provenance is needed. Extensively managed semi-natural grassland can be used as donor site for establishing new areas of high nature value.

Andreas Zehm
Grassland conservation in Baden-Württemberg.
A legal ban on ploughing up grassland and a critical assessment of ploughing up FFH hay meadows enhance grassland conservation in Baden-Württemberg. This article presents the approach of how to conserve grassland habitat types in and outside of FFH areas in Baden-Württemberg and gives a legal background. The objectives of the legal ban on ploughing up grassland are presented.

Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider, Alexandra Jiricka and Verena Melzer
Grassland conservation in Baden-Württemberg.
A legal ban on ploughing up grassland and a critical assessment of ploughing up FFH hay meadows enhance grassland conservation in Baden-Württemberg. This article presents the approach of how to conserve grassland habitat types in and outside of FFH areas in Baden-Württemberg and gives a legal background. The objectives of the legal ban on ploughing up grassland are presented.

Priska Ronner
Nature as business-partner.ANLiegen Natur 35/1 (2013): Pages 73 till 75 download full text (german only, pdf)
( 0,3 MB).
Projects: Beginnings, preliminary results and results
ANLiegen Natur 35/1 (2013): Pages 76 till 88 download full text (german only,
1,8 MB).
Books, booklets and information offers
ANLiegen Natur 35/1 (2013): Pages 89 till 94 download full text (german only,
0,5 MB).

Contact person of the ANL:
Dr. Andreas Zehm
Bayerische Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (ANL)
Fachbereich 1: Biologische Vielfalt
Seethalerstraße 6
83410 Laufen
phone: +49 8682 8963-53
Additional Informations
Internal links
The Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (ANL) is subordinate to the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection. We are responsible for education and training, applied research, and the production of high-quality publications.
- Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection
- Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU)
- Berchtesgaden National Park
- Bavarian Forest National Park
- BayernTourNatur
- YouTube-channel of the Ministry for the Environment
- Biological diversity of Bavaria
- Energy-Atlas of Bavaria
- Ark Bavaria
- Environmental education Bayern
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
As the first academy worldwide 2010 the ANL became an IUCN member. Joining the international network of experts, cross-border co-operations and international projects are part of our common duties. more